Co-Regulation is Not Just a Buzzword, and It Can Be Practiced by Everyone
Co-regulation may be the new parenting buzzword, but human beings have utilized co-regulation strategies since time immemorial. Ancestral knowledge teaches us that singing together in ceremony (which stimulates the vagal nerve), drumming (which stimulates both sides of the brain), and spending time in nature (which soothes our nervous systems) are all regulating practices. The strains…
Co-Regulation Supports Parents and Their Children
Have you ever been in a long line at the grocery store with your toddler on the brink of a tantrum? You are not alone. Our society teaches parents that children are meant to obey adults, which leaves parents feeling frustrated when their children are unable to obey due to big emotions. As we learn…
Teaching Brain Science Demystifies Emotions and Behaviors
One way to deepen your understanding of behavior and emotions is to learn, and help your students learn, about brain science. When one of your students melts down and it turns into a domino-effect meltdown for multiple other students in your class, it can feel defeating. When we understand the basics of how the brain…
The Crisis of Loneliness, and How Schools Help Build Connection and Community
According to a new advisory from the U.S. Surgeon General, a lack of social connection can increase the risk for multiple negative health outcomes. And among individuals in the US, there is a troubling trend of severe loneliness. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, there were concerning levels of isolation among adults living in this country.…
How Learning Brain Science is Helpful for Parents, Caregivers, and Kids
Brain science is not just for neuroscientists! How can it help parents and caregivers? Educating yourself and your kids about brain science helps deepen your understanding of behavior and emotions. Everything—from the way humans learn, to the way we engage with each other, to our capacity for thinking, feeling, learning, and problem-solving — all functions…
Self-regulation and Co-regulation are the Keys to More Peace and Fewer Power Struggles
Imagine you are on your way out the door and your 5-year-old is crying on the floor, your 8-year-old is yelling at them to stop crying, and you’re trying to talk over both of them to get them into the car. If this sounds familiar, keep reading! Almost every parent has experienced some rendition of…
Taming the Brain’s Negativity Bias with Gratitude
Schools — places chartered to support young people to reach their full human potential — can instead be places where adults get stuck in negativity bias — perfectionism, hurt, fear, cynicism. It’s our body’s default response to stay safe. Our brains are wired to notice danger, threats, and problems. Because of this, we sometimes simply…
How Teachers can move from “What is Wrong with You?!” to “What Happened to You?”
We now know that childhood trauma, including ongoing toxic stress, has a profound impact on brain development and behavior. In fact, behaviors teachers see in the classroom that seem to make no sense may actually be a student’s adaptive responses that show a brain’s capacity for prioritizing survival. When we blame the student or take…
How Parents & Caregivers can move on from “What’s Wrong with Me?”
Our early experiences shape us in profound ways. If those experiences were persistently stressful or traumatic in your early life, you may suffer from the results of adversity, just like millions of other parents and caregivers. Dr. Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey teamed up on a new book titled What Happened To You? that illuminates…
The COVID One-Year Mark: Let’s not go back
We will not go back to normal. Normal never was. Our pre-corona existence was not normal other than we normalized greed, inequity, exhaustion, depletion, extraction, disconnection, confusion, rage, hoarding, hate, and lack. We should not long to return, my friends. We are being given the opportunity to stitch a new garment. One that fits…