Ideas para familias
Contributions Create Capable, Competent Kids
Our children shine when they know that they have helped. We can see it on their faces. But as parents, we often fall into doing everything ourselves, forgetting how important contribution is to the well-being of our children. When kids are little they are constantly begging, “Me do it!” We may tell them something that…
When Students Contribute, They Feel Capable, Connected and Confident
Finding ways for your students to contribute is a powerful positive step towards fostering their belief that they matter and make a difference. ALL kids can contribute….academic excellence is not the only way to shine. Sometimes being trusted to help makes all the difference. Think of the teen gang leader whose savvy teacher recognized her…
Homework Hassles
There is a tension around homework for lots of reasons. While there is no strong evidence that homework improves outcomes, it certainly is part of a long-standing school tradition. And, well-designed homework can be fun and interesting for your students. Think about the “why.” It is helpful to be have a clear compass on each…
Avoiding Homework Headaches
The beginning of the school year is a good time to create routines that support learning at home. What is the homework routine in your family? Do you have a consistent time and space for your child to complete required homework or sit down and read with you daily? Intentional effort now can create a…
Memories Matter
August is the time of year for most of us that we are holding on to the last weeks of time with our families while are brain is increasingly thinking about the coming school year. There are so many details to think about – and a deep sense of curiosity and anticipation in getting to…
Making Memories
What are your memories of your family growing up? Some of us have treasured memories of joy and connection. Others have memories of challenges or stressful experiences. Most of us have some mixture. It turns out that childhood memories become the foundation for our adulthood. They influence how we relate to our parents or caregivers…
Talking and Teaching about Truth
In the milieu in which our children live – social media, the internet, television and movies – it is often hard to sort fact from fiction. Our children get mixed messages about honesty. While they are told it is an important value, they are surrounded by messaging that implies you can say anything you want,…
Fact and Fiction for the Growing Brain
Children experience the world through a different lens than adults and are learning to tell the difference between what is “real” in their imagination, and what is real in the world. Often children lie for very similar reasons as adults – they feel trapped, are afraid of being punished or rejected, or sometimes just because…
Share Rituals to Build Community
Routines in the classroom are an important classroom management tool. Knowing what will happen when they arrive, where their belongings are stored, when breaks and lunch happen, are all part of the daily and weekly routines that help students feel safe and secure. The structure in their daily routines and interactions with others helps students…