Holding on to Hope (For Teachers)
This year has been rough. An undeniable understatement. Hope seems hard to reach, especially when our resilience has been tested these in these long challenging months since last spring. Yet hope is an antidote to despair. And while acknowledging the emotional toll of these times is crucial, equally crucial is our ability to hold onto…
Harnessing Hope (For Parents)
Hope is the belief in a positive future. It is an optimistic, exciting sense of what is possible. In this time of global health crisis, economic uncertainty, racial reckoning, and physical disconnection from other human beings, the day to day challenges of doing everything differently make it difficult to hold onto hope. Yet hope is…
Four Ideas for Stressed Parents
We are parenting more hours a day than ever before. In-person school, in-person play dates and visits with family and friends are things we hope to resume in the near future, but they aren’t providing much relief for parents at the moment. Have you noticed any of these issues coming up for your kids? stressing…
Tips for Teaching Online
Contributions Kids Can Make to Support their Community during Challenging Times
La reparación es una poderosa herramienta para el aprendizaje y la conexión