Secretary, immediate past President
Jimmy Hung is the Chief Deputy Prosecutor of the Juvenile Division of the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office in Washington State. He graduated from the University of Washington School of Law in 1999 and joined the office that year. During his time as a prosecutor he has worked on all levels of felony and misdemeanor trial practice including homicide, sexual assault, and domestic violence.
Jimmy has led efforts in King County to reduce the use of secure detention and formal court processing of youthful offenders, while increasing the use of restorative justice options.
In December of 2018, Governor Jay Inslee appointed Jimmy to the Washington State Partnership Council on Juvenile Justice where he serves as Co-Chair of the Race and Ethnic Disparities Committee.
Jimmy has previously served on the boards of the Asian Bar Association of Washington and the Washington State Bar Association’s Criminal Law Section Executive Committee where he was once President. In addition to BELONG Partners, Jimmy also serves as a board member of Choose 180 and Mentoring Urban Students and Teens (MUST), two other local non-profits that aim to support young people and seek an end to the school-to-prison-pipeline.