Upcoming workshops

Sept 24th  &  Oct 1st – 4:30-6:30PM – Tuesdays
Oct 17th & 24th – 4:30-6:30PM – Thursdays
Dec 3rd & 10th – 4:30-6:30PM – Tuesdays
January 23rd & 30th – 4:30-6:30PM – Thursdays
May 6th & 13th – 4:30-6:30PM – Tuesdays

“I’m Safe. I Belong. I Matter.”  

This is the way every child needs to feel in order to learn. Do you want to enhance your skills to help young people experience emotional safety? Creating a safe environment where kids can learn can be especially challenging when our own nervous systems are overwhelmed. 

In this 2-session, interactive online workshop, we cover the three R’s that are critical in building positive relationships with young people, showing how they need to feel safe (Regulate) and connected (Relate) to learn new social and academic skills (Reason). Learn in community with other educators, youth workers and caretakers, as we share practical information and practice activities that will make an immediate and positive difference in your relationships with young people.

You will: 

  • Explore how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) impact developing brains and student behavior
  • Hone your trauma-aware language and responses to behavior that supports young people to see their own intrinsic value and capacity
  • Practice tools for increasing regulation for yourself and young people you serve
  • Explore culturally-relevant practices that support ALL students to feel connected and know they matter and belong

Resources include: A downloadable workbook and short videos to watch before each session to provide foundational information.

Take $20 off the program fee if you register two weeks in advance.

Clock hours are available at no cost.