A Trauma-Responsive School Transition – Resources for schools shifting to hybrid or in-person learning

Many schools and districts are planning and preparing for a transition back to some form of hybrid/in-person learning. In our conversations with school administrators and staff, we are hearing the need for practical and useful resources and ideas to help respond to these transitions.

In response to our conversations with you, we are creating and compiling
trauma-responsive resources for transitioning back to school.

This includes visuals for ten trauma-responsive tools that we already know work in the Trauma Responsive School Transition Handout linked below. We also recently convened a panel of educators from Redwood Elementary in Oregon who shared their experiences and helpful advice.

This page will be updated as we learn more and develop additional tools. If you have ideas or   feedback, please share them with us!


Redwood Elementary educators share their experience










For our Sound Discipline School Partners, there are many helpful ideas in your pacing guide: