How to Help Kids Rebuild Their Stamina for the New School Year
Masked up, many children have headed back to in-person learning. Though the academic load has not yet become heavy, the time in isolation has taken its toll in many ways. Just like an athlete returning to training after post-injury recuperation, our kids need to slowly build back the stamina they once had. We can help…
A Smooth Transition to the School Year
The new school year is fast approaching, and the sunlit days are growing a little shorter. It’s time to transition from summer to the more structured schedule of fall. There are still a lot of unknowns this school year, so it will helpful for kids to feel as ready as they can. When we leave…
How Parents Can Move Forward After an Unprecedented Year
Last year our worlds changed almost overnight, and we found ourselves working from home or maybe out of a job. We were thrust into the role of teacher and unable to access the supports we were used to: friends and relatives were no longer able to step in to help for fear of COVID spread,…
Resilience through Transition – An Art Activity for Classrooms or Families
All of us have experienced loss and change. We are tempted not to talk about it, fearing that bringing it up will bring to the surface emotions that are difficult for our students to feel. But in reality, ignoring the grief connected with letting go and change creates a confusing disconnect for children. Being able…
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Staying Home Together During the Pandemic – But are We More Connected?
For Parents and Kids, Repair is a Powerful Tool for Learning and Connection