
  • Focus on Routines this New School Year

    Focus on Routines this New School Year

    The transition from summer to the new school year can feel both exciting and challenging. We encourage educators to focus on building routines as students settle back into their classrooms. Establishing clear expectations for routines early on sets the stage for a regulated, connected new school year. Here are some valuable resources and ideas to…

  • Strengthening Family and School Partnership at Sunnycrest Elementary

    Strengthening Family and School Partnership at Sunnycrest Elementary

    Kelley Schottle is the Principal at Sunnycrest Elementary in the Federal Way, WA, School District. In the summer of 2023, Schottle participated, along with half of her school staff, in the BELONG Partners workshop Rooted Relationships: Growing Equitable Classroom Communities workshop. After taking that workshop, Schottle was interested in other components of the BELONG Partners…

  • Co-Regulation is Not Just a Buzzword, and It Can Be Practiced by Everyone

    Co-Regulation is Not Just a Buzzword, and It Can Be Practiced by Everyone

    Co-regulation may be the new parenting buzzword, but human beings have utilized co-regulation strategies since time immemorial. Ancestral knowledge teaches us that singing together in ceremony (which stimulates the vagal nerve), drumming (which stimulates both sides of the brain), and spending time in nature (which soothes our nervous systems) are all regulating practices. The strains…

  • Mentor Teachers Provide Inspiration and Support for New Teachers

    Mentor Teachers Provide Inspiration and Support for New Teachers

    Kalmiopsis Elementary School in Brookings, Oregon, is in the third year of its journey to whole-school transformation in partnership with BELONG Partners. Roxana Amaral, BELONG Partners Director of Strategic Partnerships, describes Kalmiopsis as “an innovative school community who cares deeply about fostering the agency and voice of young people. Educators at Kalmiopsis are driven by…

  • Teaching Brain Science Demystifies Emotions and Behaviors

    Teaching Brain Science Demystifies Emotions and Behaviors

    One way to deepen your understanding of behavior and emotions is to learn, and help your students learn, about brain science. When one of your students melts down and it turns into a domino-effect meltdown for multiple other students in your class, it can feel defeating. When we understand the basics of how the brain…

  • Fostering community and collaboration between new & seasoned educators 

    The BELONG Partners District Model is a comprehensive approach to school transformation that focuses on building capacity and sustainability within a school district. Through this train-the-trainer model, our experienced facilitators work closely with regional coaches hired by a district to implement the BELONG Partners approach in their schools. One of our original District Model partners…

  • The Crisis of Loneliness, and How Schools Help Build Connection and Community

    The Crisis of Loneliness, and How Schools Help Build Connection and Community

    According to a new advisory from the U.S. Surgeon General, a lack of social connection can increase the risk for multiple negative health outcomes. And among individuals in the US, there is a troubling trend of severe loneliness. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, there were concerning levels of isolation among adults living in this country.…

  • BELONG Partners District Model Schools Hold 2nd Annual Convening in Medford, Oregon

    The BELONG Partners Model currently includes 11 schools from across 4 counties and 5 school districts in southern Oregon. This spring we co-hosted our second annual convening of twenty-five educators, representing our eight Whole School Partner schools in Medford, Oregon. They came together to collaboratively reflect on their practice, celebrate their accomplishments, and initiate plans…

  • Easy Ways to Appreciate & Celebrate Yourself and Your Coworkers

    Easy Ways to Appreciate & Celebrate Yourself and Your Coworkers

    In our opinion, educators have one of the hardest jobs in the country. For educators who have been navigating challenging behaviors all year and still showing up day after day, we see you. For educators that are tired and frustrated, we appreciate you. For the educators that find hope in the small wins with students,…

  • Parents & Families Can Show Appreciation for Educators All Year Long

    Parents & Families Can Show Appreciation for Educators All Year Long

    We appreciate educators year-round for all their hard work, and in May, Teacher Appreciation Week gives us a chance to celebrate them and show educators how much we value them! Through COVID-19 scares, virtual teaching, and returning to in-person school, educators have remained nimble and dedicated in serving our students and families. Here are a…